Simple but Elegant, Contemporary Wedding Style

Simple but Elegant, Contemporary Wedding Style

White wedding dress is still a favorite.

White wedding dress is still a favorite

White wedding dress is still a favorite. This color is popular all-time in fact, to enhance your appearance on that special day. Even so, the model is shifting. Many women who love the simple style of wedding dress, with bright colored makeup, balanced with simple hairdo.

hairstyles for a strapless wedding dress

hairstyles for a strapless wedding dress

In the era of contemporary brides want to look different, but not excessive. As a result, the choice of wedding dress was more simple but still highlight the elegant side. Looks more attractive with makeup and a bold use of bright colors. With a simple hairdo. Simple but bold, a concept that looks like a bride.

simple wedding dress elegant
simple wedding dress

Famous designer Adjie Notonegoro also see this simple wedding dress needs. He translated the simple dress in a special day with no sequins on a gown, but detail adorn the wedding dress with unique and special creations such as a corsage or ribbon.

Simple but Elegant, Contemporary Wedding Style
modern simple wedding dress
simple wedding dress

Simple bridal clothing, makeup and nail polish beautiful with bright lipstick, the hair is simple, the style of the bride looks that are in demand lately.

wedding dress blue
wedding dress blue

Although the white color a favorite, especially the wedding dress Adjie suggest traditional concepts such as kebaya not necessarily white.

indonesian kebaya wedding dress
indonesian kebaya wedding dress

Traditional wedding of some areas were using other color wedding dress, and has become a culture, like maroon, green, even black. To the traditional concept, the colors do not have a white wedding dress. Although usually at the time of the ceremony are chosen white, but the reception could choose another color,

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